Argon is a concept that has been gaining popularity in the stock market recently. It is an investment strategy that seeks to identify risks and opportunities in the stock market by applying a mix of fundamental and technical analysis. The strategy is a combination of three elements – long-term trend, intermediate trend and sentiment analysis.
The fundamental analysis part of the strategy looks at the fundamentals of a company such as its financial statements, corporate governance record and the company’s outlook. This type of analysis helps to identify whether the stock has potential to go up or down. The technical analysis part of the strategy looks at the trends in price and volume over a certain period of time. This helps to identify what direction the stock may take in the near-term. The sentiment analysis part of the strategy looks at what others are saying about a stock. This helps to identify the risk associated with a stock and the potential for it to move up or down.
The current state of Argon applying the concept to 30 DOW stocks is an interesting one. Many market participants are beginning to apply the strategy as they attempt to identify potential stocks with strong potential for growth. As of the end of May 2021, the 30 DOW stocks that had the strongest overall Argon indicator score included Chevron, Cisco Systems, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, iPhones and Intel.
It is worth noting that the application of Argon to 30 DOW stocks is not without risk. The strategy is subject to false positives and a lot of emotions can be attached to any particular stock. Therefore, it is important to use the strategy responsibly and take appropriate steps to mitigate risk.
Overall, Argon is an interesting concept that seeks to identify stock trends through using a mix of fundamental and technical analysis. Market participants are increasingly applying the technique to 30 DOW stocks in an attempt to capitalize on potential opportunities. It is important to use the strategy responsibly and evaluate the associated risks and potential returns.