The market has been resilient since the Covid-19 pandemic began and the TSX Venture Exchange, while off its all-time high set in February, is still up considerably in 2020. It’s a true testament to how investors are still looking for new and lucrative opportunities, and with little to no active momentum on the wire, some stocks can slip right under the radar.
The following five stocks on the Venture Exchange, as of this writing, are based on the percentage of change over the week and notable performances of their respective stocks.
Benton Resources (TSXV: BEX): The resource exploration and development company had seen a nice 122% jump, as investors were likely noticing their current asset portfolio and plans for further exploration. They’ve recently acquired a healthy resource portfolio and are looking ready and capable to explore the Wild Sky gold mining project. This should be one to look out for in the coming weeks.
Walcott Resources (TSXV: WAL): Walcott isn’t straggling far behind Benton, as their stock price increased nearly 35% over the week. They also recently announced the successful acquisition of the Lupin project – an exploration project in the Doris Goldfield of the Yukon. This definitely caught investors’ attention and could spark more attention for upcoming news and announcements for them.
Carube Copper (TSXV: CUC): Another week, another copper stock in the top five. Carube has enjoyed an impressive 27% jump in the stock price after recently announcing they will be optioning the Pueblo Viejo gold project in the Dominican Republic to NPLA Resources Inc. It looks like investors are pleased with the future potential of the company and much more is expected from them.
Eon Ventures (TSXV: ECO): This stock has seen an interesting 25% surge that should be kept in the limelight. They recently acquired a 51% stake in the promising and soon-to-be Voisey’s Bay lithium project. They’ve also been acquiring stakes in other yet-to-launch projects as well, showing a clear and powerful strategy heading.
Alta 5 Acquisition (TSXV: A7L): Finishing off the list is Alta 5. There’s been plenty of waves with this acquisition company lately, turning some heads with their purchase of the Octet Resources like last year. This also comes with news around Lehman Capital and its eventual takeover of Alto5, but more news will likely be released soon. Investors are also keeping an eye on the company for potential buyouts and news.
These five stocks have been observed by investors, and every one of them has seen a considerable rise in stock prices over the week. As the market changes, so do prospective investment opportunities, and finding the ones that suit your individual portfolio is key.