For centuries, a dormant yet potentially devastating supervolcano that lies beneath the Yellowstone National Park has remained silent and untouched. Now, however, a new study has exposed worrying signs that the area may be ready to erupt.
Scientists have known for a long time that a supervolcano lies underneath the Yellowstone National Park. This geothermal region, estimated to be about two and a half times the size of Rhode Island, is the largest of its kind in North America.
While a supervolcano would be one of the most devastating natural disasters humankind has ever seen, very little is known about the operations and risk associated with such events. According to a new paper published in the journal Scientific Reports, the area is showing worrisome signs that an eruption may occur in the near future.
In the study, a team of researchers used the latest deep-seismic imaging technology to study the Yellowstone area in greater detail than ever before. Not only did they discover widespread geothermal activity that seemed to suggest the potential for an eruption, but they also found evidence that suggests increased seismic activity in the area.
The study findings emphasize the importance of understanding the potential threat of this ancient volcano. Scientists are currently monitoring the area closely, trying to get a better sense of what is going on beneath the surface before it’s too late.
While there is no way to predict if or when Yellowstone will have an eruption, all the recent findings suggest that it may be time to start preparing for the unthinkable. In the meantime, it is important to understand there is no certainty in the movements of this supervolcano and that they can never be precisely predicted.
From protecting the local environment from its devastating effects to understanding the potential threat it poses to the world – understanding and preparing for the risk that a supervolcano may pose is something that mankind must take seriously in this day and age. Moving forward, it is essential that we stay informed and listen to the experts for updates and changes in the area.