Pen International, an international literary organisation, is expressing grave concerns over the reports of the torture and unjust detention of a Palestinian poet by Israeli forces.
The poet, Dareen Tatour, also known by her pen name, has been incarcerated for her words of protest and her creative expressions, which have allegedly been deemed to be ‘incitement’ by the Israeli authorities.
The organisation has proclaimed that not only is the reported arrest of Dareen Tatour an infringement on freedom of expression, but it also violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Pen International have stated that Israeli Forces have detained Dareen Tatour after her creative works were posted online in 2015. She has been detained under administrative detention and has undertaken four separate court appearances due to her poems published on social media.
Not only has Tatour expressed her freedom of expression through her works but also on her own behalf. Whilst awaiting her fourth court hearing, she created a sign that expressed how her words have been misused by the Israeli authorities, which further goes against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The organisation views Dareen Tatour as a “prisoner of conscience” and is urging the Israeli authorities to fully respect her right to freedom of speech, “in line with international law to which Israel is a signatory”.
Pen International have continually called for Tatour’s immediate release and hope that Israel will consider all possible solutions to strengthen freedom of expression in the region. They believe that creativity should not be stifled and that people should be held responsible for their works of creative expression.
At the moment, Pen International is working with its network of Palestinian poets and writers to raise awareness and ensure that their right to freedom of expression is respected. It is also in a process of discussing possible solutions to maintaining this fundamental right with local organisations.
Pen International have remained strong in their support of Dareen Tatour and have made sure to spread her message to countries around the world. The organisation continues to reveal the injustices faced by her and highlights her creative works, along with those of other writers, in order to raise awareness.