The recent surge in news of allegations of election denials, Russian interference, and legal action by Trump’s lawyers has given rise to questions as to what is really going on. With so much going on, it is natural to be confused and overwhelmed.
To get to the heart of the matter, it’s important to trace the history of the scandal. It began in 2016 when Russian interference was first suspected in the US election process. The US intelligence community concluded that there was substantial evidence that Russia had undertaken cyberattacks to influence the outcome of the election.
Fast-forward to 2020 and we find that the Trump lawyers have been pushing the narrative that the election was “stolen” due to the interference of “patient zero”, which is a term they have used to refer to the alleged Russian involvement in the election. This is where the story begins to become more complicated.
The Trump lawyers have been attempting to prove that the interference of “patient zero” was the cause of the election’s outcome. To do this, they claim to have identified what they believe to be the source for the interference. But the source of the interference has yet to be revealed, and the Trump lawyers have yet to provide credible evidence to back up their claims.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are a number of conflicting claims that have been presented regarding the source of the election interference. While some are claiming that it was the Russian influence that “manipulated” the outcome, others are claiming to have found evidence of election manipulation by other means, such as voter fraud.
While the debate over the source of interference in the 2016 election is ongoing, it is important to keep in mind that this is a complicated issue, and one that could have serious implications for the US’ future. It is important to remain objective and stay informed about the situation as it evolves, and that is why it is essential to pay attention to the legal proceedings that are occurring in this case. As more details become available, it will become possible to draw more concrete conclusions about what took place.