Political divisiveness in the United States is settling in like the winter frost, and celebrity activists have become a key part of that divide. Caught up in the whirlwind of the 2020 election, endorsement gets left behind in favor of powerful public displays of preference.
One celebrity known for toeing the line of moral courage is the actor Mark Wahlberg. Best known for his roles in action films such as Ted and The Fighter, Wahlberg recently expressed his support for Donald Trump’s reelection. The political cost of the public display was great: Wahlberg was immediately met with vehement backlash from his fans and peers.
Wahlberg isn’t alone, as many celebrities find themselves caught in the political crossfire of the public. Musician Taylor Swift’s tweet about the relevance of the Black Lives Matter movement famously received both widespread praise and condemnation. She is now vocalizing her support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, although it still carries the aforementioned risk of unwanted attention.
Though there are risks to endorsing a politician, the potential monetary gains may be more. Many celebrities are knowingly throwing their hat in the ring because of the financial benefits. A report on Axios showed that celebrities receive eight times the response rate that traditional ads do, which no doubt is quite attractive to a potential politician.
With this added attention, and increased scrutiny on the celebrity endorsers, comes a heightened sense of responsibility. As part of Tyler Paarman’s study on celebrities and politics, it showed that 28.5% of people had no trust in the talent if they passed the wrong political statement. Simply put, celebrities have to be much more aware of their impact on public perception than ever before.
Overall, it is clear that celebrity endorsement carries a great political wealth and a liability of public pressure. As so many people look to their favorite celebrities as representatives for their thoughts and beliefs, it is crucial that a sense of transparency and authenticity is maintained. The public will have to weigh their politics loving adoration with their personal values. Ultimately, the level of trust that the public held so dear, now comes at a political cost.