The recent tension between Israel and Palestine regarding a ceasefire has so far been unsuccessful in finding a resolution, despite efforts by various countries and groups including the United States. Now, a possible renewed truce could be on the horizon depending on the conditions of Hamas.
According to informed sources, Hamas’ compliance in providing a list of hostages and other individuals being held within its control, is a strong indication of a chance for a renewed ceasefire. It is believed that such a move would lead to the release of these individuals, while healing the divide between the two sides.
The underlying idea behind the proposal is a further reduction of tensions and a more hopeful outlook in negotiations between the two sides. This would benefit the general public and the struggling economy of Palestine. Nonetheless, a few conditions have to be met before any agreement or amicable diplomatic solution can be established.
In order for a successful agreement to take place, both sides must agree to suspend attacks on civilians and place restrictions on gunfire. Obviously, a truce cannot be secured without the full and ultimate acceptance of all parties involved.
Additionally, it has been suggested that Israel will accept more humanitarian goods into Gaza, providing some much-needed help to the region, while Hamas would be required to completely disarm itself of weapons and other military equipment. This is a long shot, as it may be impossible to ensure that weapons are no longer present in Gaza.
The upcoming peace summit in Cairo is expected to see further progress in the talks regarding the ceasefire, and all parties involved hope for a successful truce to be achieved. Nevertheless, only time will tell if the conditions given by all the sides will be fulfilled and whether or not a lasting peace can be established between the two sides.