In October 2018, an Israeli tank fired upon a Reuters news crew, which consequently left Reuters journalist Yaser Murtaja dead. New analysis from CNN suggests that the tank rounds were the likely cause of death.
A comprehensive sitrep (situation report) released by CNN details the facts leading up to, and after, the incident. The sitrep continues with descriptions from three anonymous military sources, all of whom, according to CNN, had firsthand knowledge of the October event.
The report states that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) had the news crew’s vehicle in their sights and fired at least two rounds into it. The crew was in the process of covering protests on Gaza’s border.
Upon further analysis, the IDP likely knew of the vehicle’s contents due to its style, and because the journalists had just finished filming for Reuters.
The tank fire’s impact, according to CNN’s sources, was to disable the vehicle, forcing the passengers to exit. Soon after being informed of the situation, the IDF ceased their fire. However, it was already too late for Yaser Murtaja, who had been mortally wounded and would die later in hospital.
According to CNN, the IDF had failed to recognize the distinction between the news crew’s vehicle and those of the protestors, thereby violating the IDF’s own internal policies of distinguishing warring parties from non-combatants.
This revelation brings with it serious questions, such as how Israeli forces distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, and how journalists are protected during conflict zones. Hopefully, the answer to these questions will bring us one step closer to secure the safety of journalists around the globe.
We may never know the truth surrounding Yaser Murtaja’s death, but what we can resolve to do is to remain vigilant at all times and strive to ensure safety of those serving the cause of journalism and reporting.