It’s that time of year again! Every August, Astronomy enthusiasts look forward to the Perseids Meteor Shower – one of the most exceptional meteor showers of the year. This event typically occurs from late July to mid-August, though the best time to witness it is usually mid-August. This month, the meteor shower is likely to peak on August 11th and 12th.
The Perseids meteor shower has become known as “The King of the Meteor Showers”. The phenomenon is the result of Earth passing through the trail of debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle. Every space dust grain that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere burns off into the night sky, leaving behind streaks of lights that shine in all directions. These debris trails give off more meteors than most other meteor showers, hence its name.
On average, it’s estimated that up to 100 meteors per hour can be seen during peak night. However, factors like light pollution, cloud coverage, weather, and debri trails could affect viewing conditions.
Though this event is stress-free and requires no special equipment to view, it’s important to always take the necessary safety precautions while stargazing. It’s suggested that you make sure to have comfortable seating and warm clothing, find a place away from city lights, lie flat on your back, and give your eyes at least twenty minutes to adjust in the dark.
This beautiful event is one of the most interesting things to witness in the night sky. To enjoy it to the fullest, find yourself a good spot and get ready to bask in the glowing shadows of space dust. And if you’re looking for an even closer look, you can always check out the live streams and photographs from around the world during the meteor shower peak.