For centuries, the debate has raged on: size over style? Is it more important to be big and powerful, or is being stylish just as significant? There have been arguments on both sides of the line, but when it comes to Godzilla, the jury is in — size does, indeed, matter more than style.
First, let’s look at how Godzilla is portrayed in the movies. The legendary monster that rampages through cities is often shown to be larger than life in terms of size. Many of the Godzilla films rely on the idea that Godzilla is an immense, impossible creature. He usually towers above buildings and holds an undeniable presence. He is intimidating, and his massive size plays a huge part in this. By being larger than life, Godzilla is able to show off his powerful status and evoke fear in all who witness him.
On the other hand, style is hardly ever discussed in regards to Godzilla. While the occasional cape or suit may appear in the movies, the focus remains on size for Godzilla. The way he looks does not really factor into the story, nor does it register to viewers on an emotional level. The impressions Godzilla makes are mainly related to his size and strength, not so much his outfit or accessories.
Finally, the importance of size over style is highlighted in the recent 2020 Godzilla movie, and in the merchandise created in its wake. From the toy figures to the replica costumes, size plays a big role in how these items are seen and portrayed. The sheer magnitude of the items often conveys the potent power of Godzilla, while smaller details such as fabric textures and intricate designs are often overlooked.
The verdict is in — size matters, style doesn’t. When it comes to Godzilla, size is what makes him the iconic behemoth that has been terrorizing screens for decades. It’s his size and strength that strikes fear in others, not his choice of wardrobe. If people want to get a true feel for the awesomeness of Godzilla, they should go for size over style.