This year ended with workers finally wresting a seat at the table when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI is quickly becoming a ubiquitous force in the workplace, many organizations are increasingly recognizing the need for workers to be involved in the process of developing and deploying the technology.
The LaborTech movement – an effort to both consider the ethical and economic impacts of technology on workers – has pushed for increased representation of workers in the AI discussion. With the help of labor groups, companies have begun establishing Advisory Councils, which are made up of workers and frontline employees. These Advisory Councils are tasked with providing guidance on the impacts of AI, and ensuring that the technology is developed with the needs of human workers in mind.
The LaborTech movement has also been advocating for the need for a Worker’s Bill of Rights, in which the rights of workers to be thoroughly educated and consulted on developments with AI are outlined. This bill of rights would ensure that workers have the opportunity to provide their input and are not excluded from the development and deployment of such technology, as has happened in the past. Furthermore, it would limit the ability of employers to take advantage of workers who lack the skills to understand or recognize the potential impacts of AI.
The LaborTech movement has made a positive impact this past year, but there is still much that needs to be done to ensure that workers are given an appropriate seat at the table when it comes to AI. It is essential that employers recognize the need to involve workers in the process, and create opportunities to include their voices in decision-making. If employers fail to do so, then the advancements that have been made this year will ultimately be lost.
AI has the potential to revolutionize the workplace, but it also presents a number of challenges. As such, it is of the utmost importance for organizations to ensure that workers are given the opportunity to have meaningful conversations about the technology and its implications. Only then can we hope to properly harness the potential of AI while mitigating its potential dangers.